Our aim is to give you peace of mind by providing you with unmatched HR expertise, so you can concentrate on growing your business.

HR Business Assist is a specialist human resource provider firm established by Jill Hignett, a well-known employment lawyer and accredited specialist in workplace relations.

Through HR Law, it became evident that businesses, whether small, medium or large, at some point needed HR assistance from industry experts. The beauty of HR business Assist is that every business has the ability to tap into HR experts who have wide, current and multi-industry experience which they may not otherwise be able to afford or access.
— Jill Hignett, Director of HR Law.

Businesses, wherever located within Australia, also have the unique ability to partner with a HR enterprise that sits alongside a leading employment law firm, HR Law, which allows businesses to have a seamless transition for any of their workplace relations needs.

Why choose us?

The field of HR is ever changing.  Outsourced HR assistance needs to be able to provide businesses with tailored expertise that is measurable and effective.

As each business is different, HR Business Assist offers their HR experts at varied tiers ensuring you get the right help that your business needs.