Post - Office space ergonomics!

Creating an ergonomic office space, is essential for employees’ comfort and productivity. It is important to note that chair height, equipment spacing and desk posture can also make the biggest difference.

With that being said, we would recommend the following ergonomic workstation set up:

-        Eye level at top of screen or 1 to 2 inches below;

-        Monitor roughly an arm’s length away;

-        Chair with lumbar support reclined at 100 to 110 degrees;

-        Elbows bent at 90 degrees or more;

-        Wrists flat at the keyboard;

-        Knees level with hips or slightly below;

-        Feet flat on ground or foot bar.

Additionally, throughout the day it is just as important to take regular rest breaks and vary between sitting and standing.   It is important to note that these factors may minimise the risk of workplace injuries and should be considered in workplace health and safety planning.

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