Post - Wage Assessments

Underpayments usually occur due to simple, avoidable mistakes. These reasons include, but are not limited to:

-       An administrative or payroll related mistake; or

-       Not paying allowances or the appropriate penalty rates; or

-       Lack of understanding of what creates fair pay for the employee’s position (i.e. the job title doesn’t accurately reflect the employee’s responsibilities); or

-       Failure to accurately record hours worked.

To identify whether there have been any underpayments in employee’s wages, we recommend conducting regular assessments.

If you are feeling uncertain on whether you are compensating your employees correctly, HR Business Assist are able to help you with this.  We can conduct wage assessments on an ad-hoc basis, to ensure you are meeting your obligations as an employer.

Contact our team for further information.

HR Business Assist | 1300 138 551 |


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