Post - Unpaid Work and Volunteering

Unpaid work can occur in the workforce in many different forms.  Unpaid work includes but is not limited to:

  • student placements;

  • unpaid job placements;

  • internships;

  • work experience; and

  • trials.

Unpaid work arrangements can be entered into for a number of reasons. These include but are not limited to:

  • give an individual experience in a job or industry;

  • provide training and skills;

  • test a person’s job skills, or

  • volunteer time to a not-for-profit organisation.

These types of arrangements can be initiated by employers, the individual seeking work or experience, or third party organisations (i.e. universities, colleges or schools or training organisations).

A volunteer is an individual who does work for the main purpose of benefitting someone else, (i.e. a church, sporting club, government school, charity or community organisation).  Similar to interns, volunteers are not considered employees and do not have to be paid.

For a volunteering agreement to be genuine:

  • the parties did not intend to create a legally binding employment relationship;

  • the volunteer is under no obligation to attend the workplace or perform work; and

  • the volunteer doesn't expect to be paid for their work.

Unpaid work, if exploitative may be linked to modern slavery, as it may involve individuals being forced or manipulated into working without compensation under threatening or deceptive conditions. Click here for further information regarding modern slavery.

For further information, contact the team at HR Business Assist today!

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Post - Employing junior workers!


Post - Public Holidays