Post - Acceptance of Resignation Letters
When an employee submits their letter of resignation (in writing), it is important for employers to acknowledge the employee’s request. Even though an employer cannot decide whether to accept or reject a resignation, it is best practice for an employer to acknowledge the resignation through a formal acceptance of resignation letter.
Issuing an acceptance of resignation letter also communicates whether the employee will be required to:
· work the duration of their notice period; or
· work part of their notice period; or
· not work their notice period and be paid their notice in lieu.
An acceptance of resignation letter, should also include the following:
· The entitlements the employee will receive (depending on their employment type) noting it is mostly standard for a final pay to be paid within seven days;
· The date the employee resigned;
· The date of the employees last day of employment;
· The date for an employee to return equipment/ company property.
Additionally, an acceptance of resignation letter also allows an employer to express gratitude for the employee’s service to the Company.
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