Post - Benefits of a multi-generational workforce

A multi-generational workforce is comprised of employees from several generations.  These generations include:

·             Baby Boomers;

·             Generation X;

·             Generation Y (Millennials); and

·             Generation Z.

Many individuals perceive a  multi-generational workforce negatively, due to communication issues and stereotypes. However, it is important to note that there are many benefits associated with a multi-generational workforce. These benefits include but are not limited to:

·             Diverse perspectives and problem-solving;

·             Learning and mentoring opportunities;

·             Knowledge sharing and skill transfer;

·             Enhanced creativity and innovation; and

·             Retention of organisational knowledge.

While managing a multi-generational team may be challenging, managers may adopt the following tips:

·             Educate employees;

·             Establish trust and respect;

·             Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing;

·            Outline expectations required of all employees; and

·             Accommodate diverse working styles.

For further information or assistance, contact the team at HR Business Assist today!
HR Business Assist | P 1300 138 551 | E


Post - Acceptance of Resignation Letters


Post - Employee - Manager Relationships