Post - Cultural and Religious Holidays!

Recognising and embracing diversity in the workplace can foster creativity, problem-solving, productivity, job satisfaction and workplace morale.

 It is important to note many religious and cultural holidays observed in Australia are not recognised as public holidays.  However, employers can support the needs of their employees by:

-        Agreeing with employees to use leave entitlements to take time off work (i.e. annual leave or leave without pay);

-        Acknowledging or celebrating holidays in the workplace to promote inclusion and awareness;

-        Agreeing to a change in working arrangements to accommodate the holiday.

Examples of cultural or religious holidays include but are not limited to:

-        Lunar New Year;

-        Diwali;

-        Ramadan;

-        Passover;

-        Yom Kippur

-        NAIDOC Week.

For further information, contact the team at HR Business Assist today!

 HR Business Assist | P 1300 138 551 | E


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