Post - Sad News / Sorry Business

Sorry Business is considered an important time of mourning which involves responsibilities and obligations to attend funerals and participate in other cultural events, activities or ceremonies with the community.   This is considered a highly important community and cultural tradition for First Nations people.

Sorry Business, including attending the funeral of family or community members, ensures a person’s spirit is properly put to rest.  It is important to note that the mourning process can be different for each First Nations employee, and some may choose not to take part in Sorry Business.

Although workplace laws outline that employees can only take two (2) days of paid compassionate leave when someone in their immediate household or family passes away, it is important for employers to support their employees to take time off work for Sorry Business which involves mourning the loss of other people.

With that being said, employers should speak with their employee regarding their mourning needs and consider options for additional paid or unpaid leave. 

For further information or assistance, contact the team at HR Business Assist today!

HR Business Assist | P 1300 138 551 | E


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